How do I Balance a Propeller... ?

By Joe Zingali 

Pres. of J &Z Products Inc.


Modern manufacturing methods make it possible to produce Propellers that require little if any balancing by the user.  Every Zinger Propeller is high - point balanced prior to leaving the factory and, therefore, should not have to be adjusted, However, occasionally a prop will require a little touch up before it can be considered to be perfectly balanced.  To catch those few props that sneak out the door on us, it is wise to double - check the balance.  This is true of any propeller, regardless of the maker.  No matter the type of balancer chosen, a properly balanced prop will remain at the horizontal position on the balancer, when placed in that position.  Warning, before you check the prop for balance, Be certain that the balancer's shaft is firmly positioned in the prop hole.  Once in position, you should not be able to wiggle the shaft in the propeller hole.  If the prop appears to be out of balance, you have a little work to do.  An unbalanced propeller will occur when one blade is heavier than the other.  The heavier blade will, obviously drop to a lower position than the other while mounted on the balancer.  Just enough material must be’ removed from the heavier (lower) blade to put the prop into a perfect balance.  In’ most cases, all that is required is to remove a small amount of finish from the heavy blade.  I find the best tool for this job is a simple, single-edge razor blade.  Once you have located the heavy side of your prop, scrape a bit of the finish. From the front of the blade (where the printing is) along the center line, between the hole and the prop tip, Do not work the tip itself with your razor blade, just scrape a little finish from between the hole and the blade tip; however, favor the outside half of the blade as you scrape.  Normally, all it takes is just a touch of scraping, a little at a time, to obtain that perfect horizontal balance.  Remember... Take just a little of the finish off at a time and check often for proper balance as you work.  And please, NEVER, NEVER, scrape the back of the prop.  Material removed from the rear surface of the blade will cause the propeller's pitch to change, fomenting a whole new set of problems.  Also, never cut a piece from the tip of the blade to balance it.  If you wish, once the prop has balanced, a coat of clear finish can be sprayed or brushed on the scraped blade, or just spread on a thin layer of CA glue to reseal the wood.

 I hope this information is of value and that your use of Zinger Propellers brings you many happy hours of flying.

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