How do I convert from a 2 blade to a 3 or 4 blade




    The conversion for a three and  four bladed propeller is a simple tasked if you know what two bladed propeller you use on a given Engine. For example, on a three bladed propeller you would drop the diameter and keep the pitch. On a four bladed, you would drop the diameter and the pitch. For instance if you had a two bladed 24-10 propeller and you wanted a three bladed you would use a 22-10 and so on.

Two Bladed Three Bladed Four Bladed
10-6 9-6  
11-8 10-8 10-6
12-8 11-8 11-6
12-10 11-10 11-8
13-10 12-10 12-8
14-10 13-10 13-8
14-8 13-8 13-6
15-8 14-8 14-6
15-10 14-10 14-8
16-10 15-10 15-8
18-10 16-10 16-8
20-10 18-10 18-8
22-10 20-10 20-8
    The performance on a 2 bladed verses a 3 bladed propeller is very little. A - 3 or 4 bladed propeller will give you more thrust, and you will sacrifice a little speed. The big advantage to using a multi blade is that you have more ground clearance less noise factor.